James Jaranson


Dr. Jaranson is a 1965 graduate of Lincoln High School. While in high school he was active in drama, band, orchestra, tennis, in the school paper, and the National Athletic Honor Society.

Dr. Jaranson graduated summa cum laude from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, with a degree in English literature. Advanced degrees include an M.D. and an M.A. in Anthropology from the University of Minnesota as well as the M.P. H. in Psychiatric Epidemiology from Harvard University. He is board certified in Psychiatry, Public Health, and General Preventive Medicine.

He has written and lectured on many aspects of the care of refugee patients and torture victims. He is the North American representative on the International Council for Torture Victims, a founding member and vice-president of the section on torture and Persecution and Psychiatry of the World Psychiatric Association and a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

Dr. Jaranson is Director of Medical Services at the Center of Victims of Torture in Minneapolis, Director of the International Mental Health Section in the Department of Psychiatry at Ramsey Medical Center in St. Paul, and Director of the Cultural Psychiatry training Program at the University of Minnesota where he holds a full-time faculty appointment in the Department of Psychiatry.

He is listed in the Who’s Who for Leading Professionals and Executives in the United States and has been voted an Outstanding Physician for the Central Region of the United States.